At the end of this last semester there is something I need to add to my PLE: overseas communication!! Among all the people involved in my language learning I should add the Italian and American peers with whom I worked to create the final wiki page of the course blog. It is actually thanks to them all that I improved my knowledge of the American culture and I had the chance to appreciate intercultural communication!!
mercoledì 4 giugno 2008
New horizons, new experiences, new PLEs!!
At the end of this last semester there is something I need to add to my PLE: overseas communication!! Among all the people involved in my language learning I should add the Italian and American peers with whom I worked to create the final wiki page of the course blog. It is actually thanks to them all that I improved my knowledge of the American culture and I had the chance to appreciate intercultural communication!!
lunedì 12 maggio 2008
We're all pieces of a puzzle..
Has this last semester at university been useful for improving my intercultural competence and my knowledge of English? The answer is: yes, definitely!! This English course has given me the chance to work with students of different countries and share my ideas with them: having direct contact with other cultures is, in my opinion, the best way to achieve awareness of both their and my way of living. I'm just at the beginning of the process to acquire more cultural consciousness, that's true, but I do believe this course is a little piece of a great puzzle which, in the end, will show all its splendor!
This course has helped me develop my intercultural competence in many different ways:
1. It aroused my interest in a different culture: talking with native American people on immigration and politics made me appreciate and notice differences and similarities and re-consider both my own and their culture from a wider standpoint.
2. It helped me get to know new aspects of American culture: thanks to the exchange I broadened my knowledge on the American electoral and education systems, as well as on the way of living and habits of American young people.
3. It helped me explain and understand my own culture, as well as the American culture, by looking at them from a different standpoint: for instance, I had always considered quite nonsense the fact that American students can graduate in two different fields (medicine and German for example); however, after talking with native people and carrying on research on the university system in the US I understood that in this way students can get wider knowledge in many different areas, thus broadening their horizons. It was by changing standpoint that I could reconsider the other culture and appreciate some of its differences; similarly, modifying the starting point of view was equally important everytime I needed to explain my own culture to people from a different culture: to explain the Italian university system, for instance, I needed to start from their perspective trying to broaden it, so that they could understand my own point of view despite some differences.
4. It aroused my interest in conversating with people from other countries: I do believe there's much to know from the direct contact with foreign people, so I tried to make them feel I was much interested in what they were saying. I think this is always the best way to keep conversation going and to enjoy it!
giovedì 10 aprile 2008
Are we maybe generalizing too much?
What is the general attititude on Italian citiziens to immigrants? According to recent statistics and surveys, while many Italians consider immigrant people as a necessary resource for our economy, on the other side almost 48% of the population think that immigrants are the main reason of social uncertainty and of criminality (source). What strikes me in these results is that even in the first case immigrants are seen in terms of economic income, not as human beings with a specific culture, tradition or way of living. They are often considered as potential workers, but not as people having a family, dreams or projects. I always take offence when I hear people talking of immigrants as a mere working force or as criminals: are we maybe generalizing too much? As my boyfriend comes from Albania I have the great chance to get to know a reality which is different from ours, but also different from the general idea which is portayed by stereotypes and prejudices. People coming from different countries are exactly like us: they often have other ways of living or different beliefs, that's true, but they are still people whose qualities are worth to be known and appreciated. Criminals are everywhere and belong to any ethnicity or motherland, so please stop generalizing. I'm truly convinced that any of us is different from the others, and there's no greatest chance than discovering what other people have to offer you. That's why whenever I hear racist comments like "Go back home, you all immigrants", I cannot but take offence to such marrow-minded attitude.
I would like to point out something more: according to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary the word immigrant refers to "a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently". I've noticed that immigrants are often thought as those people who come from the poorest countries of the world (mainly as illigal immigrants) and then eventually become criminals. Thus, the word immigrant often has a very negative connotation. What I would like to point out is that there cannot be "First class" or "Third class" immigrants: even people from Germany, or the States, or the UK who come and settle here are, according to the etymology of the word itself, "immigrants". What we could try to do is to separate this generalized negative connotation from the actual status of an immigrant person. Using the right expressions and connotations could be a way to smooth our suspiciousness and fears..
venerdì 28 marzo 2008
Back in the jungle..
domenica 23 marzo 2008
What a wonderful country..
venerdì 7 marzo 2008
Tongue twister sentences: can y do that?