It's almost 2 o'clock a.m., and I've been surfing the Net for about three hours.. A wonderful experience thanks to feed aggregators!! You guys, I am soooo enthusiastic about feeds right now!!!!!
Imagine you are drinking a piping hot cup of tea (like me now, since I'm trying
not to fall asleep) and the postman arrives handing you the latest newspapers.. Siping your hot and restorative beverage, you start reading them, without even moving from you confortable sofa.. I think this scene quite properly gives the idea of how I feel now.. Yesterday I subscribed to some blogs and websites and I've already been sent updated news and posts from them! What's amazing is that all this has been done for me by an aggregator, that is the kind “postman” that collects and delivers any new information posted on the websites you have chosen..
I'll make you an example: as I subscribed to two online newspapers, “The Guardian” and “Die Zeit”, today I was sent the latest news published on both of them. What was interesting is that I had the possibility not only to read the news I was interested in without much effort and with no waste of time (since the aggregator had already collected them for me), but also to compare the information given by these two different newspapers: both of them, for instance, reported the fact that Russia now wants to reduce the number of international election observers, thus giving rise to protests by human rights activists. Well, it was quite interesting to notice that this international news was reported by both newspapers in a similarly clear and objective way.. In this case, the aggregator helped me compare two different sources of information, which I think is a good way to understand how the same news can be dealt with in different cultures and contexts. Great, isn't it?
You know what? I'm enjoying blogs more and more every day!!!
Have fun on the Net!
I'll make you an example: as I subscribed to two online newspapers, “The Guardian” and “Die Zeit”, today I was sent the latest news published on both of them. What was interesting is that I had the possibility not only to read the news I was interested in without much effort and with no waste of time (since the aggregator had already collected them for me), but also to compare the information given by these two different newspapers: both of them, for instance, reported the fact that Russia now wants to reduce the number of international election observers, thus giving rise to protests by human rights activists. Well, it was quite interesting to notice that this international news was reported by both newspapers in a similarly clear and objective way.. In this case, the aggregator helped me compare two different sources of information, which I think is a good way to understand how the same news can be dealt with in different cultures and contexts. Great, isn't it?
You know what? I'm enjoying blogs more and more every day!!!
Have fun on the Net!
4 commenti:
Hi, Marta?
Are you enjoying blogs more and more? Well, ME TOO! Feed aggregators were an illuminating discover, weren't they? And now that we have our personal postman who collects any new information for us, we can relax and sip our "piping hot cup of tea" (as you said), sitting in front of our computer.
Great, isn't it? I still have had no time to read the news from the blogs I subscribed, but I'll soon have a look at them. The fact that you could compare the same news from two different newspaper is great! I'm interested in this kind of work too, so I'll let you know if I find something interesting.
Our horizons are opening day by day, isn't it great?
See you soon!
Hi Marta!
I'm starting thinking that there is something wrong with us: we are too pessimistic and we always look with suspicion at innovations and changes as they were something coming from another dimension with the exact purpose of complicating our lives! Most of the times it is the exact opposite and this is definitely the case of feed aggregators, blogs and all that stuff that even your younger sister can handle perfectly well...I mean, if kids can create their own websites and chat with people living in Australia, why should we be worried about technology?? You'll see, this course will also help us to forget our prejudices and the computer will become our best friends (or at least not our sworn enemy!!).
See you soon!
Hi Marta!
I'm happy to see your enthusiasm for the "discovers" we are doing in technology! I agree with you that these new tools are very useful and can help us to be more in touch with the world. I'm having great fun in learning how to use them too, but I think that maintaining a blog, chatting or reading on-line news means that one has to be in front of their computer all day long, or at least it has to be on the whole day... I'm used to turn on my computer only when I need, so, perhaps, I'm not able to appreciate all the advantages these tools can offer. Anyway, as I said before, I'm really having fun with all this technology! I just wonder if I will have the time to use it...
Hi Marta! Before reading your post I hadn't tought of the possibility to take the news from different newspapers and compare them. I think this is a great way to keep informed on what happens in the world and to see how different hedings deal with the same issues. In this way you can compare various points of view and make your own. I think that if we learn how to use all these new technological tools we will really become aware of what surrounds us and we'll be able to do something positive and constructive.
See you!
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